Keep Going No Matter What!

Even when it seems like you can’t go on, keep going because God has already provided what you need, just as He did for Abraham in Genesis 22:1-14.

God will stop at the point of your need, just like Jesus did for blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52, He won’t pass by without answering your need.

When you get in the presence of Jesus, anything that’s not of God has to get off you. When blind Bartimaeus rose & cast off his beggar’s garments, he stepped forward in faith toward his healing.

When we don’t hold anything from God, He will bless us going in & bless us going out. All the things we have need of shall be added unto us (Matthew 6:33).

Keep right on asking. Keep right on believing. Keep going until you reach the answer, the Healer, just like the woman with the issue of blood when she kept going until she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment & received her healing (Matthew 9:20-22).

We walk by faith & not by sight. Let your faith keep walking, let your faith keep going. Don’t let Satan’s lies hold you back or stop you from holding onto God.

Keep going no matter what the enemy brings against you, because God has already given you the victory!